Calling My Dating App Matches Was So Worth It

I never thought I would find love through a dating app, but here I am, happily in a relationship with someone I met over the phone. It all started with a simple swipe and a few phone calls that turned into late-night conversations and endless laughter. I never expected to find my soulmate through a screen, but I am grateful every day for taking that chance. If you're looking for love, don't rule out the possibility of finding it through a dating app. Who knows, your perfect match could be just a swipe away. Check out some of the best dating apps for women here and start your own success story.

In the world of online dating, it's easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of swiping and messaging. It can feel like you're constantly making small talk with strangers and never really getting to know anyone on a deeper level. That's why I decided to take a different approach and start actually calling my dating app matches. And let me tell you, it was so worth it.

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Breaking the Ice with a Real Conversation

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One of the biggest benefits of calling my matches was the ability to break the ice with a real conversation. When you're limited to texting, it's easy for things to feel superficial and impersonal. But hearing someone's voice and having a real-time conversation allows for a deeper connection to form. I found that I was able to get to know my matches on a much more meaningful level, and it made the dating process much more enjoyable.

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Getting a Better Sense of Compatibility

Another advantage of calling my matches was that it allowed me to get a better sense of compatibility. It's one thing to exchange messages back and forth, but it's another thing entirely to have a real conversation with someone. I was able to gauge things like their sense of humor, communication style, and overall personality much more accurately through a phone call. This helped me weed out matches that I didn't have much in common with and focus on those who I had a genuine connection with.

Building Trust and Comfort

Calling my matches also helped to build trust and comfort early on in the dating process. It can be nerve-wracking to meet someone in person for the first time, especially if you've only been communicating through text. But by talking on the phone first, I was able to establish a level of comfort with my matches before meeting them in person. This made those first dates much less awkward and allowed us to focus on getting to know each other rather than breaking the ice.

Avoiding Wasting Time

One of the biggest frustrations with online dating can be wasting time on matches that ultimately aren't a good fit. By calling my matches, I was able to avoid wasting time on people who I didn't have a connection with. It's much easier to gauge compatibility over the phone than it is through text, so I found that I was able to quickly determine whether or not I wanted to pursue a potential relationship with someone. This saved me a lot of time and energy in the long run.

Tips for Calling Your Matches

If you're considering calling your dating app matches, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

- Start with a casual conversation: When you first call your match, keep things light and casual to break the ice.

- Listen actively: Pay attention to what your match is saying and ask thoughtful questions to keep the conversation flowing.

- Be yourself: Don't try to be someone you're not on the phone. Just be yourself and let your personality shine through.

- Take the plunge: Don't be afraid to take the plunge and make the call. You never know what kind of connection you might form with someone until you try.

In conclusion, calling my dating app matches was a game-changer for me. It allowed me to break the ice, get a better sense of compatibility, build trust and comfort, and avoid wasting time on matches that weren't a good fit. If you're feeling stuck in the endless cycle of texting and swiping, consider giving calling your matches a try. You might just find that it's worth it.